Life After Work: Retirement Vision Group Workshop

How will you spend your most precious asset–your time?
The desire to matter is universal, along with enjoying a life with close connections, stimulation, purpose and fun.

Plan your best life with two retirement coaches who have incorporated a fun and collaborative process that puts your dreams into action!

Life Transition coach Julia Holladay, MA, BCC, is certified with Retirement Options® and The Retirement Coaches Association and runs Reignite Groups. Denis Wuestman’s certifications include Brain Based-Results training with NeuroLeadership Group, as well as Retirement Options®.

What will you anchor your life around, once your time isn’t structured around work?

This workshop is designed to get you started to envision, clarify, and plan this next stage of life and includes
• A Life Planning Assessment + 1:1 session
• Weekly Exercises and create momentum
• Structured facilitated group engagement
• DIY resources to carry your dreams forward

When: Tuesdays, March 26 – May 7
Time: 4pm-5pm PST on Zoom

Cost of program $449 pp ($399 if sign up by 2/14)
$350 each if you bring a friend or spouse/partner.

Workshop is limited to 10 participants.

Map your best life with Julia and Denis, two certified retirement coaches who are committed to helping successful people enhance their retirement transition with vision and action.

Call Julia Holladay for more info: 619-992-3372
or email

Time and the Power and Creativity of Mindmapping


“Time is our most valuable nonrenewable resource, and if we want to treat it with respect, we need to set priorities.” ― Albert-László Barabási, The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do.

Business Hand Writing Career Mind-map on Technology Virtual Inte

I am a list maker. I have a to-do list going pretty much at all times. I break it down into Personal/Professional/Later this week…/Etc. I find that I am much more productive when I set the tone for the day and feel a real sense of accomplishment when I mark off each action item.

Time is the great equalizer. And, like most, I have mixed feelings about my relationship with the clock because I realize the importance of flexibility and I also know interruptions happen like clockwork. I admire people who can go with the flow, not make lists and still be profoundly productive and creative. I am just not one of those people. In order for me to feel productive as I approach each workday, I need a sense of structure. But there are limits to lists, especially when a big project is just getting started and there are many unknowns… [Read more…]

Embracing the Fallow Times


This capacity to linger in the unknown and see what happens is the passage to your creative self.” Gail McMeekin, 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women.


When I am at my most intently aware, I look to nature to find examples that correlate with the human condition to help me to better understand it. The word “fallow” bubbled up for me the last time I was in a life transition. I thought about why this word felt meaningful and tried to understand its message.

Thinking of fallow, words like “empty”, “unproductive” and “vacant” come up. During times of transition when you are stuck somewhere between two somethings, it can feel very muddled and unclear. And, if you are like most, the desire to return to a sense of normalcy is high, where goals seem clear and you are once again aligned with purpose and direction. What I have come to understand about feeling fallow is that it is not what it appears. Often when I have felt this vague sense of unknowing, I later realize that much is going on under the surface. I equate it to sowing seeds (conceiving ideas), that are germinated and waiting to see which ones take root. It takes trust to patiently wait until something grows to the surface, becoming visible and real. [Read more…]